As your business grows, you will need more space to store your records. Storing your records outside gives you more space and greater efficiency. Trying to manage your archives in-house requires time, staff and equipment. Bonded has already made the necessary investments for you, leaving you free to focus your time and budget on your real business. Bonded also offers secure shredding services once your records are no longer useful or necessary to your business, thus reducing your risks and management costs for maintaining information.

As your business grows, so tool does the volume of documents you need to keep. Being able to access the documents when you need them is of key importance in today's fast-paced business environment. Bonded allows you to access the information you need simultaneously and from different locations, thereby increasing your control and speed of access to your documents. The Bonded Storage and Management System standardizes your document management, and improves your management process by categorizing information.

Maintaining the appropriate environmental conditions to keep your records safe and secure over a period of many years requires significant investment. The Bonded Storage Center is specifically designed according to international storage criteria. Your records will be kept in climate and insect controlled storage units and monitored 24/7 via high technology security systems.

It is critically important to your company that your documents are stored in a private, systematic and functional way. From an administrative and legal stanspoint, you are required to store any documents of institutional value and to present them if required. The Bonded Storage and Management Systems protects you from any risk or penalties that might arise should you be unable to present such documents when required, or should these documents be damaged. Using barcode technology, Bonded stores your documents in full secrecy, provides them to you when needed, and destroys them if asked to.